Saturday, 3 December 2011

Multi Media

In the past week I have engaged in different forms of Multi Media.  I have played with Picnik, created a Voki, Blabberize and recorded my first Podcast. 

·           Can be used as a hook for new topics especially voki, blabberize or an image
·           Engage student (especially visual learners)
·           Can start conversations and discussions
·           Used to teach - get the expert in the field through podcasts / videos
·           21st century learner will engage with the technology - Use of fun tools and they can see other uses on their ipod/computers rather than just games

·           Equipment / dependant on school resources
·           Some applications can take time to work out / teacher needs to understand how to use.
·           Can take time to find resources needed
·           Watch don't get caught up in the technology not just for the sake of it
·           Know your learners  / their background / culture - different worldviews, care not to offend or be judgemental in what images you present

·         for Children to present in a visual way some children who struggle to put words on paper are able to articulate their thoughts more easier when spoken
·         For assessment tasks to be presented in another, engaging and purposeful way rather than in a written format
·         Fun tools and playing with technology shoe kids how to use these in learning eg. research projects and podcast to audience
·         For parents and extended family to be able to see/hear what their child is learning in school

·         Distractible from task - need to be aware of focus of lesson and context, needs to be well scaffolded.
·         Images need to be age appropriate for showing and teacher needs to model good practises when looking for photos etc - watch words used in searches.

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