Monday, 12 December 2011

Loads of Learning with Learning Objects

I only recently came across learning objects for my Maths elective when we used learning objects from the Learning Federation, to understand and present a concept  I think they are fantastic tools as you don't have to create them yourself - you just have to spend hours searching out the right one for the lesson.  Creating my own animation - can't tick this box yet, I downloaded the Adobe flash for a 30day trial but so far it's not flashing for me.  I possibly need to go back and study a few tutorials and spend more time with this tool - Or maybe give the task to a group of digital natives and have them teach me.


·         Many Learning Objects available to access
·         LO are already created
·         Can be used to engage the whole class or students can use individually
·         Build on consolidating of concepts
·         Cognitivism learning theory
·         Allows student to manipulate objects this is good for the kinesthetic  learner
     As these come from educational sites do not have to be concerned with inappropiate advertising on web page

·         Some can be limited by the animation and therefore too simplified - need to research age and learning appropriate (know your learners)
·         Good for teaching a concept or informing but usually have a right and wrong action therefore little room for thinking outside the box

·         For students to gain real life application to a concept / or visit a place or culture
·         To upload into virtual classroom - students are able to do at home

·         Restricted by the resources / computers available within the classroom or restricted to computer lab time.
·         Rely on technology all working well and good internet connection.

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