Thursday, 17 November 2011


Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge or TRACK is the framework for teachers, on the subject of technology in the classroom.  Teachers need to understand technology,   and how to filter technology through a foundation of understanding lesson content and pedagogical knowledge.   Technology is to be used to support the teaching and not just for technologies sake. 
Teachers today need to embrace the use of technology in the classroom, to know how to use it and cope with both hardware and software problems.  This can be difficult as technology is constantly changing.  In my own circumstances I have a husband who is good with computers and technical equipment, this  has meant he is usually the one who I have relied on to do all the updates and the first person I call when I can't get something to work properly. 
The article highlights the necessity of knowing the content knowledge of what needs to be taught.  A clear understanding is required to evaluate digital recourses.   There is so much information it is not necessarily going to accomplish the learning required therefore the teacher needs to have a good pedagogical knowledge  to assess if it will provide effective learning for the students.
This year I have engaged in the following technology, making power points, using movie maker, creating and using a wiki, a webquest and now a blog.  It is only by going through the process I can appreciate how to use it and its potential purpose in the classroom.   For example in creating the webquest for my SOSE assignment I learned how to create it, how to link sites and embed video clips within the site, evaluate which sites are suitable for children to look at.  Organise tasks that will help them construct meaning and develop a higher level of thinking.  Through completing this task I learnt about this aspect of technology, engaged with the lesson content and pedagogy.    

Mishra, P. & Koehler, M . (2006). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: a framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers College Record , 108(6), 1017-1054

My SOSE Webquest link:

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